12.13. - 22.2021. 0:00 UTC
under the northern zodiac
(click to enlarge)
" [...] the object of insight is an individual, thus a relative
exception and irregularity. It is therefore not the general and
regular, but rather the one-off, which denotes the individual.
It is not as a cyclic unity, but as a one-off unita to understand,
which unltimately neither can be compared nor realized."
C. G. JUNG, Presence and future, Coll.W. 10, §495
"lat. religere
"A thorough care and sttention of whose, what RUDOLF OTTO
has aptly mentioned the 'numinosum', namely a dynamic
existence or effect,not being caused by an arbitrary act ..."
JUNG, Psychologie und Religion, Coll. W. 11, § 6
(there in sticks' numen' = divine nodding as sign of grant)
That discerns gods (and angels) in the imaginatin of man, that they always and entirely are colourfull but 'one type only". As men however we are hybrid forms, from mini to makro, from child to sage
harking back to the heavenly/earthly raster, consisting of quarters of body, soul, image and spirit.
In this regard too large a being -undevided might be as extreme as a kind of too little being -undevided and in the living stream between two extremes everyone has his/her one-off home - of whose what- about the consciousness doesn't know anything , just the horoscope can tell the individual of it's stroctural or poetic mixture.
The individual being a mixture in the raster of the 12 (time) houses of the year = 12 signs in our human conscious reception (no animal can doo that) it's order of f the zodiac: a spirit of a time becoming image: time visible.in signs. The great human adventure of conscious navigation in the ocean jungle of time.
The places of God are everywhere, provided one holds for the godhead having the ability to dance in the rhythms of his star Sun and the music of his children on the heaven of Earth.
Nobody is twice present in universe, and nobody is present unless in his/her ascendant.
astromundane diary
noting the zodiac
as the ascendant
of the zodiacal man
as ascendant
of the god-man
in man's
streaming spirit to image
space to life
in us as 'Anthropos'
0° Aries
the blind drive
of fire in man
firstly present
air and iron
hiking in 'Anthropos'
the light of spirit
reconciliating the singularities
light of the son
eleventh house of 'Anthropos'
in the male spirit
far from
the center of
the whole
from above
eagles eyes of spirit
the contents of the unconscious
in part with
trees and animals
in the secure expectation
of the coming
50. Week 2021
Mars in Sagittarius
gaining dynamic
while thinking
in world-observation
yet radiating
Sun in Sagittarius
warm strength of
restrained I-power
above the spirit-reconciliated
this last week
for this year
the brain of
body and soul
Twins and Virgo
Sagittarius to Capricorn
from oasis to high mountain
into austerity
now together
with Venus and Pluto
and Venus
since last week
going to stand still there
to become retrograde
on the heavenly board
till April
coalescing with
brother Pluto
a yes with a no
the strict trial of Venus'
by Pluto's
according to Scorpio
in father's house
severance by all individual contents
high mountains gear
the supertemporal patterns
fittimg for everyone
waiver and austerity
paradox wealth of
psychic intensity
in unconscious resonance
and a further resonance of the week is:
great square
each 10 years
Saturn with Uranus
tower with arc
mountain with wing
in the heaven of thoughts
invisible like thoughts
the coming former feeling just
and it's the time
where the heavenly thoughts
hoovering in Taurus
on Earth
spirit of unconscious
hybrid wholeness
antcipating the coming father
like every 84 years
At the end yet the colors of the four elements in conjunction with corrent lights and planets this week:
Two rulers of fire: Mars und Sun
meeting three time fire and on e time air according to the Kingsconjunctions in the four elements:
2021 50. Week
1. Mars and Mercury : Ire and early ways of insight.
2. Sun and Neptune:the heart and the innocence of thinking.
3. Sun und Sun: The brightest and warmest place in the current zodiac.
4 . Sun und Venus: great early conjunction of the hearts.
5. Mercury and Sun:
5. Mercury and Mercury:
6. Mercury and Sun:
7. Mercury and Mercury:
Fire is earlyness
The father is in Aquarius'
airy realm of invisable things like thoughts
Mercury Venus, and Brother Pluto
in father's house like right laws
While Mars and Sun are in Son's house like insights
And Mangod Uranus in Venus ' fruitfull house
of bodily community
while she is in father's house
with brother and brain
herself remainuing till April
but brother till 2024
so it's a cluster in setting stones
all too late
father is away
in the sky
Murnau, 12 . 15. 2021, UTC: 17:15.
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